The main topics:


1- Individual, family, and community self-care

    Self-care for health maintenance

    Self-care in prevention of high-risk behaviors

    Self-care in chronic diseases

    Self-care in acute diseases


2- Individual and social empowerment commitment

    Community empowerment for self-care

    The role of government and non-government organizations (NGOs) in promoting health and empowering people

    Mass media and health promotion

    Community-based interventions and health promotion

    Family, social participation and health promotion

    Health literacy in all community levels and health promotion

    Patient education and health promotion

    Health promoting workplaces


3- Advocacy for health in all policies

    Programs, skills, and actions for advocacy

    Advocacy to improve consumers' quality of care

    Advocacy to promote culturally competent in volunteer-based organization

    Advocacy to help consumers finance their health care

    Using policy advocacy in embed advocacy in healthcare organization

    Policy advocacy in government programs


4- Initiative-based health education and promotion programs

Need assessment and evaluation in educational and behavioral interventions

Applying effective theories and models in health promotion and education

Developing tools and its importance in health-related behaviors

incorporating methods in health-related researches

Technology and new methods in health promotion and education


5- Health education and promotion in suburban population

Suburban settlement and health challenges

Suburban settlement and health education and promotion

Women and suburban settlement

Employment, dwelling, environmental health and suburban settlement

Social determinant of health in suburban population


6- Equity in health

Law, and health education and promotion

Approaches to reduce inequity in health system

Policy of resources fair allocation in health

Equity and social determinant of health


7-Healthy life style

Nutrition, physical activity, mental health and healthy life style

Women, family and their role in health education and promotion

Health in Islamic and Iranian life style

High-risk behaviors and healthy life style

Life skills and healthy life style