Keynote Speakers

 19 May 2015
Challenges and Barriers to Health Promotion & Health Education Programs Prof. Ali Ramezankhani
1-1-prof. ali Ramezankhani.pptx
Partnering in Self-management Support in Iran Dr. Ashtarian 1-2-Dr Aashtarian.pptx
towards a More Health promotion Services; Challenges, Possibilities and Responsibilities Dr. Mohamad Hossein Kaveh 1-3-Dr Kaveh.pptx
Future Challenge, Issues and Directions for Health Education & Health Promotion Dr. Reza Tavakoli 1-4- Dr Tavakoli.pptx
Evidence-Informed Advocacy for Health: How Well Do We Do It in Iran? and theWay Forward Dr. Nastaran Keshavarz


1-5-Dr  Keshavarz Mohammadi.pptx
More than 60 years working to advance health promotion and to achieve equity in health globally

Dr. Maggie Davies

 (IUHPE Vice President for Conferences)

1-6-Maggie Davies.ppt

1-6-Maggie Davies.pdf
برنامه ملی ترویج و توسعه خودمراقبتی در جمهوری اسلامی ایران Dr. Shahram Rafieifar 1-7-Dr Rrafieifar.ppt

The history of changes in evaluation board of health education and promotion

Prof. Davoud Shojaee zadeh 1-8-Dr Shoja zadeh.ppt

گزارش  فعالیت انجمن علمی آموزش بهداشت و ارتقاء سلامت ایران  در سالهای 92 و 93

Prof. Mohammad Hossein Taghdisi 1-9-Prof Taghdisi.pptx
20 May 2015
Health in All Policies as Radical Approach toward Sustainable Development Prof. Mohammad Hossein Taghdisi 1-1-Prof. Taghdisit.pptx
The Influence of Public Opinion on Public Health Policy-Making in Georgia Dr. George Bakhturidze 1-2-George D. Bakhturidze.pptx
Health in All Policies in Less Developed Countries: Current state and Perspective for further implementation Prof. Tatiana Andreeva  prezi logo
Correlates of Divorce and Mental Health of Young Iranian Women Prof. Mohsen Bazargan 1-4-Dr Bazargan.ppt
The Emergence of Health Literacy as a Public Health Priority Prof. Ali Montazeri  
Misconceptions and Malpractices in Applying Behavioral Changes Theories and Models in Iran Prof. Hamid Allahverdipour 1-6-Dr Allahverdipour.ppt
Health Promotion: Discipline and Development Prof. Altyn Aringazina 1-7-Altyn Aringazina- HP in Kazakhstan.ppt
Reducing Caregivers Burden: An Integrated Approach Prof. Shahrzad Bazargan 1-8-Dr Bazargan-Hejazi.pptx
Aging Health Promotion Prof. Mohammad AliMorowatisharifabad 1-9-Dr Morowati.pptx
21 May 2015
Commitment for Empowerment Prof. Mohammad Mahdi Hazavehei  
Nizwa Healthy Life Style Project (NHLP): A Health Promotion Program in Oman Dr. Zahir Al-Anqoudi 2-Dr Zahir.ppt
Healthy Villages; An Experience from Oman Dr. Saleh Alhinai 3-Alhinai-healthy villages.pdf
Opportunities and Challenges of Qualitative Research in Health Education Dr. Freshteh Zamani Alavijeh 4-Dr Zamani.pptx
Health Education Specialists in Health Sector Evolution: A Missed Role Dr. Mohsen Shams 6-Mohsen Shams.pptx